17 of the funniest Romanian expressions, that british people can’t undestand:
1.This is a Romania curse, about your mother onion plantation: „Fuck your mothers onion!” (Fwutu-ti ceapa ma-tii!)
2.When you’ll eat the last piece of a Romanian dinner , you’ll expect to hear: „I hope it, stays in your throat! „(Sper, sa-ti stea-n gat!)
2.A Romanian he will not have resentments about sex: „The dick doesn’t know book.” (Pwla nu stie carte)
4. A Romanian hasn’t just “screwed up”…he “threw his boogers in the beans” (A dat cu mucii-n fasole).
5. A Romanian won’t “try to fool you”…he’ll “throw vapours at you” (Te aburește).
6. Nor will he “lie to you”… he’ll “sell you doughnuts” (Vinde gogoși).
7. A Romanian doesn’t “suddenly get it”… his “coin drops” (Îi pică fisa).
8. A Romanian will mix religion with profane things: „You can’t be with the dick in your ass and with the soul in heaven.” (Si cu sula-n cur si cu sufletul rai)
9.A Romanian will put the mother in front of everything: „Die my mother if I’m lying to you!” ( Sa moara mama, daca te mint! )
10.When a Romanian will fool you, you can say: „They do you at the wallet.” (Te-a facut la portofel!)
Te uiti ca, curca-n lemne: You stare like the turkey in the firewoods.
11.A Romanian will say about United Kingdom, when someone known will come there: „There are no wander dogs with cracknels in tail.” (Nu umbla cainii cu covrigi in coada)
Sa mori tu: Say so you die yourself.
12:When you twisted, a Romanian will tell you: „You give yoursel in dance, or You give yourself in the boats.” (O dai in bailando or O dai in barci)
13.When a Romanian will not give a fwuck, will tell you: „The dogs are barking, the bear is walking.”(Cainii latra, ursul trece)
14.A Romanian expression meaning its like a painting (this one will have to get like it is):” There are many sheeps on the field. But lambs my dick.” (Multe oi, dar miei, pwla!)
15.When a Romania will remember about his/her youth: „The gun and the wide belt/ What man I was once upon.”(Pusca si cureaua lata, ce barbat eram o data!)
Tara arde si baba se piaptana: The country is burning and the old hags are combing their hair.
16.A Romanian will say to you when will feel you not close: „What is it with all these farts on you?” (Ti-ai luat basini!)
17.A Romania will tell you when you’re looking for the bathroom: „The bathroom is in the cornfield, you will feel the smell.(„Baia-i dupa colt,o gasesti dupa miros” ). Distribuie daca te-ai simtit, inapoi acasa!
citeste si:
Other 24 of the funniest Romanian expressions, that british people can’t undestand:
1. A Romanian is not “surprised”… his “face has fallen off” (I-a picat fața).
2. A Romanian didn’t just “do so much with so little”…he “made a whip out of shit” (Face din rahat bici).
3. A Romanian won’t “lose temper”…his “mustard will jump off” (Îi sare muștarul).
4.A Romanian man will curse you, if you are his friend, reffering to your masculinity: ” Shall you die exactly before the penetration.” (Sa-ti moara la intrare! )
5.A Romanian in trouble will say you : „I have the carrot in my ass.” (Am morcovu-n cur)
6.A Romanian will tell you about living your youth: „You fuck, you don’t fuck, the time of the dick passes”. (Fwti, nu fwti, vremea pwlii trece)
7. A Romanian „grace blow” is : „He put the candy on the funeral-cake.” (A pus bomboana pe coliva.)
8. A Romanian is not “extremely tired”…he’s “cabbage.” His life is not “chaotic”… it’s “cabbage.” And his room is not “a complete mess”…it’s also “cabbage” (Varză).
9. A Romanian doesn’t simply deem an effort “useless”… he says it’s “a rub on a wooden leg” (Frecție la picior de lemn).
10. You don’t “drive a Romanian nuts”… you “take him out of his watermelons” (Îl scoți din pepeni).
11. A Romanian will not have “the impostor syndrome”… he will “feel with the fly on his cap” (Se simte cu musca pe căciulă).
12. In Romania, things are not “far away”… they’re “at the devil’s mother” (La mama naibii).
13. A Romanian is not “crazy”…he’s “gone on a raft” (Dus cu pluta).
14. A Romanian won’t tell you to stop “wasting time”… he’ll tell you to stop “rubbing the mint” (Freaca menta).
15. A Romanian won’t say that something is “cool”… he’ll say it’s “concrete” (Beton).
16. A Romanian is not “nervous”… he “has a carrot (in the ass)” (Are un morcov în fund).
17. A Romanian doesn’t just “keep quiet”… he “keeps quiet like the pig in a corn field” (Tace ca porcu-n păpușoi).
18. As a Romanian you don’t “fool yourself”… you “get drunk with cold water” (Te îmbeți cu apă rece).
19. A Romanian is not “stupid”… he’s “a Venice bush” (Tufă de Veneția).
20. A Romanian won’t “call it quits”… he’ll “stick his feet in” (Își bagă picioarele).
21. A Romanian hasn’t been “scammed”… he “took a spike” (A luat țeapă).
22. A Romanian is not “a drunkard”… he’s “a blotting paper” (Sugativă).
23. A Romanian will not look at you “confused”… he will “stare like the crow at the bone” (Ca cioara la ciolan).
24. A Romanian doesn’t have “unusual ideas”… he has “a curly mind” (Minte creață).