Schema de ajutor britanic:Romanii din regat au inceput sa primeasca de la HMRC,banii pe carduri din cel de-al 4-lea Grant din UK, de la 2.850lire.

Romanii din Marea Britanie au inceput sa primeasca de cateva zile, de la guvernul britanic prin HMRC,in baza schemei SEISS,atat pe email cat si in format fizic,informarile privind eligibilitatea pentru a primi cel de-am 4-lea Grant oferit muncitorilor romani din regat.

Schema de ajutor britanic:Romanii din regat au inceput sa primeasca de la HMRC,banii pe carduri din cel de-al 4-lea Grant din UK, de la 2.850lire.

Valoarea acestuia este pana la maxim 7.500 de lire,incepand cu 2.850 GBP.

Surse oficiale si guvernamentale articol:

Our records indicate that you may be eligible for the fourth Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant.
Our records indicate that you may be eligible for the fourth Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant.

Pentru a fi eligibil pentru a patra subvenție trebuie să fiți un lucrător independent sau membru al unui parteneriat. Subvențiile nu sunt disponibile dacă tranzacționați printr-o societate cu răspundere limitată sau un trust. Profiturile din tranzacționare nu trebuie să depășească 50.000 de lire sterline și cel puțin egale sau mai mari decât veniturile dvs. care nu se tranzacționează.

Limitată la 7.500 de lire sterline, a patra subvenție va fi stabilită la 80% din profitul mediu de tranzacționare de trei luni. De asemenea, va exista o a cincea subvenție care acoperă mai-septembrie 2021 și va ocupa poziția de tranzacționare a individului pentru 2020/2021.

Schema de ajutor britanic:Romanii din regat au inceput sa primeasca de la HMRC,banii pe carduri din cel de-al 4-lea Grant din UK, de la 2.850lire.

A cincea subvenție va fi în valoare de 80% din profiturile medii din tranzacționare de trei luni, plafonate la 7.500 GBP, pentru cei cu o reducere a cifrei de afaceri de 30% sau mai mult; sau 30% din profitul mediu de tranzacționare de trei luni, plafonat la 2.850 GBP, pentru cei cu o reducere a cifrei de afaceri mai mică de 30%.

Claiming online is the quickest and easiest way to get your grant, as it only takes about five minutes. Search for ‘Self-Employment Income Support Scheme’ on GOV‌‌‌.UK.

„As the fourth Self Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) is due to open for claims, HMRC has confirmed that it will be contacting eligible self employed individuals based on their tax returns in mid-April to give a date for making applications

  • Communications will be sent either by email, letter or within the online service.
  • The online service to claim the fourth grant will be available from late April 2021.
  • All claims must be made on or before 1 June 2021.”

To be eligible for the fourth grant you must be a self-employed individual or a member of a partnership. Grants are not available if you trade through a limited company or a trust. Trading profits must be no more than £50,000 and at least equal to or more than your non-trading income.

To apply, you’ll need to reasonably believe there is a significant reduction in your trading profits due to coronavirus between February 2021 and April 2021, and that you intend to continue to trade.

Capped at £7,500 the fourth grant will be set at 80% of three months’ average trading profits. There will also be a fifth grant covering May to September 2021 and will take the individual’s trading position for 2020/2021.

The fifth grant will be worth 80% of three months’ average trading profits, capped at £7,500, for those with a turnover reduction of 30% or more; or 30% of three months’ average trading profits, capped at £2,850, for those with a turnover reduction of less than 30%.

Schema de ajutor britanic:Romanii din regat au inceput sa primeasca de la HMRC,banii pe carduri din cel de-al 4-lea Grant din UK, de la 2.850lire.

Dear customer,

Our records indicate that you may be eligible for the fourth Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant.If eligible, you can claim from 22‌‌ ‌April – this is your personal claim date. You can apply anytime from then until 1‌‌ ‌June.

Please do not attempt to apply before your personal claim date as the service will not be available to you. Our helplines will be unable to process your claim.

To apply, you’ll need to reasonably believe there is a significant reduction in your trading profits due to coronavirus between February 2021 and April 2021, and that you intend to continue to trade.If you claim, you must also keep appropriate records as evidence of the impact on your business.

Eligibilityand calculation of the grant

For full details of eligibility criteria, and how the grant is calculated, please visit GOV‌‌‌.UK and search ‘Self-Employment Income Support Scheme’ or SEISS.

How to claim

Make sure to claim on or after your personal claim date.

Claiming online is the quickest and easiest way to get your grant, as it only takes about five minutes. Search for ‘Self-Employment Income Support Scheme’ on GOV‌‌‌.UK.

To confirm your eligibility and make your claim, you’ll need your:

  • National Insurance number: If you don’t know this: go to the HMRC app, your online Personal Tax Account (PTA) or ask your tax agent (if you have one).
  • Self Assessment Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number: You can find this on your Self Assessment papers, in your PTA or by asking your tax agent.
  • Government Gateway user ID and password: To avoid delays, please check that you can log in to the Government Gateway before your personal claim date. If you don’t have an account, or have forgotten your details, follow the instructions on GOV‌‌‌.UK by searching ‘HMRC services: sign in or register’. Please also check your contact details are correct in your Government Gateway account.
  • Your bank account number and sort code: For a building society account, please include the roll number, if you have one.

We will also ask for the address that your bank or building society account is registered to. Please note this is your address – most likely your home or business premises – not the address of your bank or building society.

Claiming online is quick and easy. If this is your first time claiming a SEISS grant, you may be asked additional questions to prove your identity.

If you haven’t claimed before

Claiming online is quick and easy. If this is your first time claiming a SEISS grant, you may be asked additional questions to prove your identity.Questions could relate to any of the following:

  • your UK passport
  • information held on your credit file (such as loans, credit cards or mortgages)
  • your Self Assessment tax return (within the last three years)
  • your tax credit claim
  • your P60
  • one of your three most recent payslips.
Schema de ajutor britanic:Romanii din regat au inceput sa primeasca de la HMRC,banii pe carduri din cel de-al 4-lea Grant din UK, de la 2.850lire.We are aware of an increase in scam emails, calls and texts. If someone gets in touch claiming to be from HMRC, saying that financial help can be claimed or that a tax refund is owed, and asks you to click on a link or to give information such as your name, credit card or bank details, please do not respond.You can forward suspicious emails claiming to be from HMRC to and texts to 60599. Search ‘Check a list of genuine HMRC contacts’ on GOV‌‌‌.UK.Access the National Cyber Security Centre’s new guide on how to stay secure online and protect yourself or your business against cybercrime by searching ‘Cyber Aware’.Astfel romanii din Marea Britanie care sunt eligibil,avand la dispozitie toate informatiile necesare pot beneficia de cel de-al 4-lea Grant SEISS,oferit de guvernul din regat.

Please have this information ready when making your claim. Your claim may be delayed if you cannot answer the identity verification questions.

After you have submitted your claim

Once you have completed your claim, we will undertake checks to verify it. We’ll pay the money directly into your bank account within six working days of receiving your claim.You must keep appropriate records as evidence of the impact on your business.

Support with your claim

It’s important that you make the claim yourself, although you can ask a friend, family member, accountant or tax agent to help you. Please don’t allow anyone to make a claim on your behalf – including your accountant or tax agent – as this could lead to delays in your payment.

Visit GOV‌‌‌.UK for the most up-to-date information about the SEISS. Please only call us if you cannot find the support you need on GOV‌‌‌.UK or our webchat service – this will leave our lines open for those who need our help most.

A word about scams

We are aware of an increase in scam emails, calls and texts. If someone gets in touch claiming to be from HMRC, saying that financial help can be claimed or that a tax refund is owed, and asks you to click on a link or to give information such as your name, credit card or bank details, please do not respond.You can forward suspicious emails claiming to be from HMRC to and texts to 60599. Search ‘Check a list of genuine HMRC contacts’ on GOV‌‌‌.UK.Access the National Cyber Security Centre’s new guide on how to stay secure online and protect yourself or your business against cybercrime by searching ‘Cyber Aware’.

Astfel romanii din Marea Britanie care sunt eligibil,avand la dispozitie toate informatiile necesare pot beneficia de cel de-al 4-lea Grant SEISS,oferit de guvernul din regat.

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